This the story of my sexy birthday. It was on Sunday (April 13th) and I was in for something extra special that night! I spend the day at an amusement park with my 9 year old granddaughter, and we both had a wonderful time, getting a thrill out of riding roller coasters and eating fairy floss, while my husband was at home, planning something, though I didn’t know what at the time…
We all went to a pretty restaurant for dinner, and despite our delicious desserts, my husband told me that...
Monday, March 9, 2015
In September of last year, just days before my husband’s birthday, the 3 of us (my husband, me & our
By: Tilemahos Efthimiadis
granddaughter) went to Greece where my husband had a performance with an old pal. Our second daughter came with her husband and children so that we could watch him sing. Our whole family ALWAYS got together if one of us was in the spotlight.
It was a lovely performance, and I was remembering times when we were younger, performing at, and attending concerts,...
Favorite Naked Memories
I was thinking about some of my favorite memories of times when my wife and I were naked together. I
By: atelielove
LOVE naked! I love when my wife is naked, I love to be naked and I really love it when we are naked together. Even if it isn’t “sexual” per se, the fact that we are naked makes it erotic and fun. (Of course it does make it easier to get it sexual when you’re naked if you know what I mean!) But I was thinking about some of my more favorite...
The Little Things
Normally I write a story about a specific event that occurred that stands out in my mind. But I got to thinking recently, there are a lot of little things that my wife and I have done over the years that wouldn’t make a full story on their own, but they are worthy of being remembered. And often it’s the little things that keep us going. We can’t have “mountain top” experiences EVERY day and life is full of routine and monotony. So very often we need to sprinkle...
Remembering our Honeymoon
My husband, myself and our granddaughter were on a vacation in Sweden for the summer, and came back 2 weeks ago.WHITE DRESS 2 months in Stockholm was fantastic! We felt it would be a good idea to go there, since we just celebrated our 30 years of marriage, and this is where we went on our honeymoon.
We flew there 2 days after our 30th anniversary party. We immediately started sight-seeing the next day. We told our granddaughter stories of where we went when we were first married.
Enjoying Swedish Summer
About half-way into our Swedish trip, it was a lovely day outside, so we went to the Screen Shot 2014-12-06 at 10.22.08 PMMidsummer Festival! There was a lot of singing, we danced; it was so much fun! Then, we noticed some dark clouds approaching, and we figured it would rain, so at around 11 am we went to IKEA to look around and do some shopping.
We are still impressed at how they make IKEA look so good! With these lovely rooms, they look like movie sets in a film studio! Our flat is...
Something For Me – Cock Ring
This feels so weird,” I said as I put it on. “It’s like a condom but all I feel is the end,” I said looking down at the purple cock ring cock ringthat now rested at the base of my cock. She laughed that breathtaking laugh of hers as she laid there sprawled out just waiting for me. She got embarrassed whenever I said I loved watching her laugh when she was naked. My baby is thick and so when she laughs everything jiggles. That cute stomach of hers, her thighs, and those big round titties...
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Getting Him Turned On
It’s amazing just what gets our men turned on sexually to us. It’s important what we wear – I always try to look good for him when he comes home from work but even sometimes when I don’t try it’s amazing what gets his interest. Like the other night I knew Pete would be late home. Now I don’t know why but the kids always appear to pick these times to be extra naughty. They played up something awful over the evening meal so after about a dozen warnings they all went to the corner. My niece,...
After Bible Study Sex
9:23 pm blinks on the display of our bedroom clock. A firm shove on the front door squeaks the moisture swollen wood past the door frame. It’s fall again and the weather is wetter now in our climate. In another few seconds, the sounds of your shoes walking across the wood floors, the clink-clink of your keys in the dish on the buffet, and the steady thuds of your footsteps up the stairs will travel to me. You’re home late on Tuesdays. Men’s Bible Study night.These nights are long ones...
Unexpected Surprise Sex
It was a Saturday and the kids had a scheduled play date, Danny had to get some extra work done and so he headed in to the office. A friend called me and suggested I just drop the kids off for the play date and take some time to get caught up on moving in and cleaning up around the house and maybe just a little time for me to relax. I readily took her up on the offer but I had something else in mind. As soon as I got the kids dropped off, I drove home and started to prepare.I knew Danny’s...
Never the Wrong Time – Period Sex
I was aching for my wife all afternoon at work. As I pulled into the driveway I had already decided to attack her in the bedroom and make love to her. I was a little unsure of how it would turn out: my wife makes love crock pot style, she has a low drive and we had JUST had sex twice 4 days ago. I came through the door, did not even greet the dogs (sorry guys!) and met my wife at the door to our bedroom. I picked her up and kissed her face, lips and neck as I tackled her to the bed.When...
Our First Kiss
It was a crisp October night as the two looked into each other’s eyes. It was late and they were both tired, but going to sleep meant being apart, and although they both needed rest, neither wanted to be apart from the other. Neither had ever loved anyone as much as they loved each other, nor had felt as in love as they felt that night.It was nearly six months earlier that they met. She was twenty-two, and he was twenty-three. Both had dated others, but their convictions and God’s...
The Kiss
have kissed my beloved Maggie just about everywhere … except in one special place.Talking locations here, not parts of the anatomy.There has never been a day since we first became “serious” daters and then married, that I have never kissed Mags. It may be a quick kiss on the lips for a hello or good-bye, a peck on the cheek or a long, tongue-swirling, eyes closed, lost-in-each-other kiss that leads to something else (or maybe not). Doesn’t matter. As long as I get to kiss my Maggie, the...
Kissing Sex
He kissed me.“Soul meets soul on lover’s lips,” Percy B. Shelley, English poetMy husband loves me; what more can I ask for? He provides for our family; he works hard every day—often from early in the morning into early in the evening; he is an engaged father to the children; he is our protector; my best friend and yes—my dear groom. I would be so lost without him.“Oh, they loved dearly; their souls kissed; they kissed with their eyes, they were both but one single kiss.” Heinrich...
Honeymoon Adventures
My wife and I both made decisions to wait until we were married before first having sex. Although it wasn’t easy, we managed to make it! You can imagine how excited we were to finally enjoy each other’s bodies, something we’d looked forward to most of our lives.We honeymooned on the big Island of Hawaii on the Kona coast. Although we’d spent our first two nights as a married couple on the mainland, we just couldn’t get enough of each other. Our first full day in Hawaii, we never even...
The Keeper – Woman Prays for the One
The Keeper – The first time I saw my husband, I was twenty – two years old I knew that he would be the keeper. He would be the man I would marry. For years I prayed that God would show me who I would marry, I prayed that it would be like a bolt of lightening. I would try to pretend that the men I previously dated would do, but none of them were the keeper. I tried to convince myself so much that I had given up dating and believing that marriage was in my future.I had...
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