Sunday, February 22, 2015

Christian Masturbation – Engaged Virgin

I stumbled upon this site in a search for bedroom advice from Christian people. You see, I’m a virgin, who found and fell in love with the most wonderful man (who is also a virgin). There is so much “information” out there about sex that is presented in such a filthy way from people who are not joined with their partner under the sanctity of marriage. I believe sex is a beautiful thing Christian Masturbation created by God to be shared with your husband or wife, which is precisely why it’s so wonderful that you all acknowledge and discuss that. I love your stories and it’s a great to know that married sex can still be fun, exciting, sexy, and spicy after a number of years! I love to read how you husbands love, cherish, and adore your wives and their bodies, which is in stark contrast to other sites where husbands discuss the hookups they make behind their wives backs and how their sex lives just aren’t exciting anymore. Wives, I absolutely love to hear how much you honor and love your husbands by giving them your bodies and taking care of their needs rather than holding out on them as punishment because they’re in the doghouse for some reason or another. Speaking as one with no experience, my impression of married sex is that’s how it should be. It’s great that I’ve been able to learn some things from “seasoned” Christian folks without the embarrassment of talking to someone I know. It’s also a plus that when I read your stories, my pussy dampens and usually leads to a little alone play time preparing my imagination for my own marriage. I can’t wait!

Marriage Heat Note:

Christian Masturbation is endorsed at Marriage Heat. Christian masturbation has been a debatable subject to many Christians. The reason that Marriage Heat believes in Christian masturbation is because we see that marriage erotica is found in the Song of Songs. We also see that sexuality first rests in our imaginations. As young people develop sexually, we believe that imaginations need to be trained to prize marriage and monogamy. Christian masturbation is masturbation that fantasizes about marriage activities.

The largest group that visits this website is from the ages of 18-34. We welcome singles to read our stories and when they masturbate engage in Christian masturbation to the narratives of marriage sex. We encourage singles to not imagine real people unless engaged, and to think about sexy activities in marriage enjoying monogamy. The current general world-view is to masturbate to porn and narratives that make sex outside of marriage the hottest sex. We believes that hurts the healthy sex imagination. Many from traditional religious backgrounds frown on this understanding of Christian masturbation even done in moderation. Many have stopped visiting marriage heat because of our stand on masturbation.

We would like to hear from our readers about their masturbation journeys and views?  Has masturbation been a positive in your life? When did you start masturbating? Do you masturbate in your marriage? We welcome stories from masturbating singles who imagine marriage activities when they masturbate.

To sum it all up: We believe sex is good and starts and is cultivated in our imaginations when sexual urges start. Since many western cultures are delaying marriage, the pornography industry is capturing young people’s minds at a young age, opening minds up to things that are not glorifying God.

Here is a link to a Christianity Today article that raises up some of the issues concerning Christian masturbation in today’s world. We may not agree with everything this article talks about but we believe that this article is helpful in the discussion.

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